Appendix 1: Power dependence of the BLA and the distortion
In this appendix, we demonstrate how the BLA and non-linear distortion change in function of the power of the input multisines and how both can be different from the results obtained with a single-tone or two-tone excitation signal. Consider the following static non-linearity which is a saturation function that closely resembles the voltage-to-current transfer function of a bipolar transistor [35] or a MOST differential pair biased in weak inversion [36]. The validity of the harmonic distortion scaling rules in function of the input power is verified by applying a single-tone, two-tone and random-odd RPM (Section 2.1) to this weakly nonlinear function (Figure A.1). Even though the different excitations result in a different absolute value for the distortion component, this specific example shows that for static weakly non-linear systems the same scaling rules for -order distortion (1 dBW/dBW) and -order distortion (2 dBW/dBW) apply until compression occurs.
In a more realistic setting (low-noise amplifier in 90 nm CMOS), large discrepancies in the inter-modulation distortion between two-tones and multisines were documented (Figure A.2) [16]. In the case of the two-tone, a local minimum (the so-called sweet-spot) appears which gives a wrong impression about the actual inter-modulation distortion present in the circuit when complex modulated signals are used.
Figure A.1 Applying different excitation signals to a weakly nonlinear system reveals that different harmonic distortion levels are obtained.
Figure A.2 The inter-modulation distortion reveals a clear local minimum with a two-tone excitation. This minimum dissapears completely when a multisine excitation is used. The figure is adapted from [16].
Appendix 2: Obtaining expressionIn the circuit shown in Figure 3.1, the following equations describe the behaviour of the input, output and feedback dynamics:
The relation between and is given by the BLA:
Plugging equation (A.1) into (A.3) and solving for , we obtain:
Using this expression in (A.2) and grouping the terms in and yields equation (3.5).
Appendix 3: BLA with S-parameters
To calculate the contributions of the distortion sources to the output of the circuit, an algorithm similar to the one described in [25] is used. The different S-matrices of the components in the circuit shown in Figure 4.1 are gathered in a matrix , while the distortion sources are gathered in a vector :
where and are the reflection factors presented to the circuit by the reference source and load respectively. is the block diagonal matrix of size which contains the BLAs of the circuits as defined in equation (4.1). is the vector of distortion sources of length defined in the same expression. is the S-matrix of the package defined in Figure 4.1 of size for a circuit with external ports.
The interconnection between the different parts of the circuit is represented by the following matrix:
The incident-waves at all ports generated by the sources in is given by the following expression:
Since we are only interested in the wave incident to the load, just the second row of is used. Also, the first elements of can be ignored, because the first elements of are zero. This finally leads to the expression for used in equation (4.3):
Appendix 4: Predicting the BLA from reference to the waves in the circuit
Predicting the frequency response from the main reference signal to the input and output waves at the ports of the sub-circuits is done using the same matrix as was used in Appendix 3. but now, the -vector is set to the following:
where is the chosen reference impedance and is the reflection factor presented by the reference source. All A-waves in the circuit are now predicted by (A.4). The frequency response from the reference voltage source to the A-waves radiating into the sub-circuits are found at . The frequency response from the reference voltage source to the B-waves at the ports of the sub-circuits are found at .